Thursday, March 31, 2011

Season 6, Episode 15

     Well I wasn't going to do two posts in one week but then i decided why not. Today is exciting because there is another new Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice coming on tonight starting at 9pm. Like I did in the last post, I am going to talk about the next season of Grey's Anatomy, which is Season 6. I am also going to talk about the next episode from Private Practice, which will be episode 15. Like all of the other posts, this one has some very interesting things in them, so read carefully!! Some may leave you in shock, while others make you very happy. Guess you'll have to wait and read on!
     In Season 6 of Grey's Anatomy, Izzie ended up extending her contract for an extra season. This is something nobody thought would happen. Also, this season mainly focuses on Derek, Arizona, Owen, and Alex. There were many tensions going through the hospital at this time because they got many new residents due to the merger with Mercy West Hospital. One interesting point is that one of the new residents, April, got fired in this season but then ended up getting rehired. Teddy, who is a cardiothoracic surgeon and Iraqi war verteran, who served with Owen, became a member of the hospital staff. This is also a season that ended up having the second crossover between Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Izzie will no longer return to Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital because her contract is now up. This is because she wanted to spend more time with her daughter. A cool fact about this season is that Mandy Moore ended up guest starring in the finale.
     Episode 15 for Private Practice was an interesting one. Violet had everyone read her book to see what they thought, and they all were betrayed by it. Each and everyone of them hated what she said about them. Sheldon has a patient who seems to have multiple personality disorder. Come to find out and the end of the episode that she has been faking it all along just to keep her sister with her. Cooper and Charlotte decide to go to couples therapy. They want to become more close in their relationship because of the rape. Charlotte agrees to start wearing her engagement ring again because they have no secrets between them. After hearing this, Cooper comes clean about kissing Amelia. After talking to Amelia, Charlotte realized it was nothing and they got reconciled. Sam has a patient who has downs syndrome and accidentally becomes pregnant. Naomi went ahead to run some tests and found out that the baby will be okay, but the mom will need to help her daughter raise it. When they went to tell the family the good news, they come to find out that they mother had already taken the daughter to get an abortion. Something strange is that Addison is no where in this episode?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Season 5

     Like I said in my last post, Private Practice has not been airing as long as Grey's Anatomy, so I will start telling you what is happening episode to episode. They are going to have another Season, which will be Season 5 here real soon. A few insights about what will be happening on this Season is that Naomi will not be returning to Private Practice, but she is up for being a guest sometime. Also, the actor Benjamin Bratt will be getting added as a regular cast member. That is all that is getting revealed. The rest is still under wrap, and I will let you know as soon as I find out.
     In Season 5 of Grey's Anatomy, the episodes started out with Izzie and George both planning on leaving the show. Also, a cool thing that happened in this Season is the mulitple crossovers that they had with Private Practice. Mark and Lexie started to pursue in a relationship, even though people told them not too. Meredith ended up finding her mother's journals and had a different reaction to them, along with Lexie and her fellow interns performing procedures on each other. Another weird this is Izzie's ex husband reappears as a hallucination to her. This led people to learn that Izzie was very ill. When people realized that she was ill was when they figured out that there is a possibility of her leaving the show. There are many more romances that continue to grow, and the residents fight for a solo surgery. Another cast member, Arizona, ends up becoming a regular.
     In Season 4 of Private Practice, there was a big shock. This was when Addison found her mother dead on the hotel bed right after her lover, Susan, passed away. In the next episode, episode 14, Addison returns home for her mothers funeral. Everyone from the practice ended up joining her except for Sheldon and Violet who stay back with a patient on death row. Violet just published her first book. She is treating a patient who believes that her husband is innocent and is about to be executed. Sheldon and Violet arrange a meeting for the wife and husband that way he can tell her the truth. Right before he is given the lethal injection, he sees his wife through the glass and knows that everything will be okay. Back in Conneticut, Addison is asked to give the Eulogy for her mother, meanwhile she is becoming distant with everyone. After dealing with all the dispair, Addison finally admits to her brother that their mother's death was sucicide. At the end of the episode, Addison decides to put Susan's remains in the casket with her mother because that is what would make them both happy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Season 4

     As all of us know, Season 3 for both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice ended with us asking a lot of questions. Many wondering what is going to happen next. And some still shocked with what actually happened in the episodes. Well Season 4 gets even better. In this blog, I am going to discuss what actually happens for both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Maybe this will relieve some of the excitement for wondering what is coming up next!!!
     In Season 4 of Grey's Anatomy, there were many known stars who came as guests upon the show. In this season, the main idea was centered around Meredith. She was starting to have a huge breakthrough with her personal life, which included Lexi, Derek, and even her mother. Meredith is performing huge operations for brain tumors with Derek, and her father comes back as broken down and an alcoholic due to his wife's passing. With all of the surgeries she was performing, they lost all except for one whose boyfriend died just before the surgery. Even after all of this was happening in her life, she took a big risk, and reunited with Derek. The positive note to this season, about every couple ended on a good note with a kiss.
     For Private Practice Season 4, it starts off with the aftermath of Dell's death and what happens with his daughter Betsy. Pete and Violet get married, and Addison and Sam confess their relationship to everyone, which leads to Naomi leaving town. Cooper and Charlotte start moving forward by getting engaged. Charlotte gets raped in her office, and procedes to only tell Addison about it. For awhile she does not want anyone else to find out what happens, but after awhile everyone figures it out. Since she did not accuse the guy for rape, they decide not to charge him.
     Since Grey's Anatomy has been on a lot longer than Private Practice, this is the last Season of Private Practice until they start another one. For the rest of my posts, I will still talk about the different Seasons with Grey's Anatomy, but I will also talk about what is starting to happen in each episode of Private Practice.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Season 3

     Well it has been awhile since I had my last blog. I have been very busy with everything else. Now that I am on Spring Break, I have a little bit more time to write more on Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Right now both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice are on a little bit of a break. Some weeks they are both repeats, and other weeks they are just not on at all. My guess is they are getting ready to start the next seasons. But enough about what is going on with the shows right now, lets talk about what happened in season three.
     On Grey's Anatomy Season 3, the main focus was on Izzie trying to let go of Denny, along with Meredith having to choose between Derek and her new boyfriend Finn. There were many decisions that had to be made between many surgeons as the new Chief of Surgery, and between the residents for Chief Resident. When the season was coming to an end, Burke ended up calling off the wedding with Cristina. All of the fuss got them nowhere because Chief Webber stayed on as the Chief of Surgery. The Chief Resident got appointed to Callie and George got the results that he failed his final intern exam. The relationship between Meredith and Derek is yet to be resolved. Also, this is the season where Addison decided to start a new life in LA, which started Private Practice.
   Private Practice Season 3 starts out by Violet surviving the hard decison of giving baby Lucas to Pete while she tries to recover from the terrible tragedy. Addison and Sam start getting much closer, but do not go anywhere with it because they do not want to hurt Naomi. Charlotte and Cooper end up breaking apart, while Dell loses Heather in an explosion that almost got him to lose his daughter as well. Addison starts to date Pete, which gets her to become closer to Lucas until Violet wants him back. Derek from Grey's Anatomy, has a sister Amelia, and she shows up on the show. In the finale of this season, Addison and Sam hook up and Charlotte and Cooper end up getting engaged. Dell and Maya, which is Naomi and Sam's daughter, get in a terrible accident. Amelia tries to work on Dell, but it was not enough. Maya ended up surviving along with her baby who she was carrying during the accident.
     Both of these Seasons had a crazy ending that left everyone wondering what was going to happen next. Just wait until later when we find out what happend in Season 4.