Thursday, April 14, 2011

Episode 18

     For both Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, this is the last episode that has aired on tv. The next episodes do not come on for a couple weeks, so it may be a little while before I update again. Episode 18 is a great episode for both shows. A lot happens in them and you will be very surprised. There are only a few episodes left for the seasons until the finale, which is in May. There are many different things that happen in Private Practice that I will get to in a little bit. For Grey's Anatomy, this is the singing episode, so it is pretty emotional and a lot is about to happen. Well, here we go, I hope you enjoy what I am about to tell you about Grey's Anatomy.
     For episode 18 in Grey's Anatomy, it starts by showing you the crash that happened in the last episode with Callie and Arizona. Since Callie took off her seatbelt to reach back and get her phone, she is thrown through the windshield with tramatic injuries. Callie watches herself from afar and starts to sing. After a little while, the others join in singing with her. There are many different injuries and the doctors can't decide what to do first. The chief ends up flying in Addison to help with the baby. (Cross-over)! Cristina found a new way that she would like to operate on Callie's heart, but Teddy says no. In the operating room, Cristina ends up doing the operation anyway. Derek works on the brain, while Addison delivers the baby. Arizona ends up coming in to help get the baby to start breathing. As Callie is about to wake up, Arizona and Mark make peace. Things become complicated between Lexie and Avery because Lexie is comforting Mark. Meredith gets very emotional because she really wants to have a baby, and it is not working. Callie ends up waking up with Arizona by her side, and the first thing that she says is that she will marry Arizona.
     In Private Practice, Sheldon and Violet have 3 teenage girls who got pregnant in a pack, but one mother does not want Violet to be the therapist because she read her book. Violet then gets introduced to Sheldon's girlfriend, who critized her. Cooper has a patient who is a piano prodigy with a tumor. He was taken in by his grandfather when his parents passed away. Since Patrick has no other way of communicating with his grandfather he wants a different surgery that will let him keep his hands. There is a lot of arguing because the grandfather wants the safer surgery, but the kid wants the surgery where he is awake. The kid ends up losing his legs, but can still play the piano like he wanted. Cooper arrives home to see that Charlotte surprised him with his own piano. Sheldon ends up breaking up with Marla because of how it has hurt Violet. Pete's mother ends up in the hospital again because Pete's brother gave her pills that made her sick. At first Pete did not want to see her, but then he got up the courage to do so. Luckily, Pete got to take Lucas and the both of them talked with her before she passed away.
     Much has happened in this episode on both shows. Sometimes too much to take in at one time. Overall, I feel that episode 18 was a step up from the other episodes because of what they were about. A lot got accomplished, and we will just have to wait until the next episode comes on to see what happens next!

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