Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Season 7, Episode 16

     Well the end is near, this is going to be the last season of Grey's Anatomy. The eighth season is going to be starting in September. Since this is the last season, I will start updating you on what is happening episode to episode. Both shows are getting very interesting and at the end of every episode, they keep you guessing what is going to happen in the next week. Hopefully you are enjoying reading about what has happend between the different seasons, and will enjoy knowing in more detail about the episodes. In my opinion, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice take turns as to which one has the more interesting episode. Private Practice was starting to get you guessing when Addison's mom passed away, and now it is taking a turn and Grey's Anatomy is keeping people waiting impatiently on what is going to happen next. But, this post will be about the season, so just like the show, you will have to wait to hear what is going on until my next post!
     In Season 7 of Grey's Anatomy, two of the residents who came from the other hospital finally became regulars in the show. April and Jackson will join the other residents by moving in with Meredith and Derek. This season also has another crossover. Derek's sister, Amelia, who is in Private Practice will make an appearance. Izzie will be back just for a short time to have a complete ending to her and Alex's relationship. Even though she is having closure, she is not neccessarily coming back for season 7. It is said that there are many more interesting things to come for Grey's Anatomy, including the musical episode, that aired on March 31st.
     For Private Practice, Episode 16, have some ups and downs. It starts out by Sam and Naomi wondering what their kiss meant and the end of episode 15. Not only is this confusing but Gabriel comes back who used to date Naomi. After thinking about everything, Naomi decides to leave everything in the past and just leave Oceanside. A couple comes into the office and starts having everyone on their toes. The woman is pregnant, but the baby is not doing so good, so she wants to harvest its egg. At the end of the day when the child is born, they realize that they just can not go through with it. By Addison helping the couple, it helped her heal from Bizzy's death. On the other side of things, Amelia's friend tested positive for Huntington's Disease and wants to take her life. Amelia ends up talking her out of this. Sheldon is frustrated and complains about being tired of always being the friend and not the boyfriend. Violet is having trouble picking a picture for her book, and Pete helps her by telling her she will only pick the best photo if she is honest.
     Now you'll have to wait till the next post to see what will happen next on Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.

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